The Parenting Juggle Is Real - Or Is It?

Exploring The Three Principles with Sarie Taylor
I had what felt like a tough time the last two weeks. I felt like the phrase that 'the parenting juggle is real' felt very true; I was struggling.
I was feeling overwhelmed, insecure and like I wasn’t doing a very good job of anything, despite being constantly busy and on the go.
I have now maybe had the heads up as to why nature doesn’t make it as easy having a baby when you're older as its when you are also likely to also start perimenopause - I feel like I am living the biggest contradiction ever!
A time where my body is changing and requiring more rest, is a time when my toddler has never been as active and as challenging!
My patience isn’t the greatest at times, and then I feel guilty about that! But deep down I know I am doing my absolute best and that has to be enough, even when it looks like a tired, impatient and hormonal mum!
I was feeling overwhelmed, insecure and like I wasn’t doing a very good job of anything, despite being constantly busy and on the go.
I have now maybe had the heads up as to why nature doesn’t make it as easy having a baby when you're older as its when you are also likely to also start perimenopause - I feel like I am living the biggest contradiction ever!
A time where my body is changing and requiring more rest, is a time when my toddler has never been as active and as challenging!
My patience isn’t the greatest at times, and then I feel guilty about that! But deep down I know I am doing my absolute best and that has to be enough, even when it looks like a tired, impatient and hormonal mum!
Over the past two weeks I've spent a few days teary and feeling like I really needed a ‘break’.
But a break from what?
The juggle.
Being a mum.
A wife.
And the director of a thriving business!
I thought I needed to be on my own, have time and space to catch up with life. It just so happens that as I am sat here writing this I am alone, and for two whole nights!
But guess what?
I miss everyone!
I am still making the most of the time and space and doing a few things I have wanted to and not had the time to. Today has consisted of tidying up, catching up with work, painting a wall and doing a speed awareness course (I know I know my own fault!).
Now that I have the space I was craving, I realise that it's not being on my own or getting things done that's the real reason for feeling better. I'm feeling better because I am only ever feeling my thoughts.
But a break from what?
The juggle.
Being a mum.
A wife.
And the director of a thriving business!
I thought I needed to be on my own, have time and space to catch up with life. It just so happens that as I am sat here writing this I am alone, and for two whole nights!
But guess what?
I miss everyone!
I am still making the most of the time and space and doing a few things I have wanted to and not had the time to. Today has consisted of tidying up, catching up with work, painting a wall and doing a speed awareness course (I know I know my own fault!).
Now that I have the space I was craving, I realise that it's not being on my own or getting things done that's the real reason for feeling better. I'm feeling better because I am only ever feeling my thoughts.
Whether I am around my family or on my own, I am only feeling how I am thinking and what I am choosing to hold on to.
The intensity of how my world feels comes from within me.The juggle can sometimes be such a pleasure that it doesn’t feel like a juggle, but rather just the variety that my live involves. Sometimes I just simply show up, do my best, show myself love and compassion and I feel content.
The last couple of weeks I was hardly ever present.
No matter what I was doing, it was as though there was a running commentary in my mind telling me what was still left to do and how well (or not more like) I was doing the stuff I was getting done.
It's not the running commentary that's the issue, but the amount if time and energy I give to it.
If I ignore it, like an unwanted visitor, it gets the message and goes away. It's only when I welcomed the thoughts and saw them as things to pay attention to, and do something about, did they stay around far too long!
No matter what I was doing, it was as though there was a running commentary in my mind telling me what was still left to do and how well (or not more like) I was doing the stuff I was getting done.
It's not the running commentary that's the issue, but the amount if time and energy I give to it.
If I ignore it, like an unwanted visitor, it gets the message and goes away. It's only when I welcomed the thoughts and saw them as things to pay attention to, and do something about, did they stay around far too long! Acceptance is everything.
If we accept when life is busy that we can only do what we can do - we feel better.
If we accept when life is busy that we can only do what we can do - we feel better.
Acceptance is everything.
If we accept that we are always doing our best given our thinking at the time - we will feel better.
If we accept that we are always doing our best given our thinking at the time - we will feel better.
Acceptance is everything.
If we showed ourselves love and compassion even when we felt we could do better - we would feel better.
If we showed ourselves love and compassion even when we felt we could do better - we would feel better.
The real juggle is the juggle we do with our thinking. So next time you feel like the juggle is real, ask yourself the following questions:
What do I believe?
What is true?
What do I pay attention to?
What do I believe?
What is true?
What do I pay attention to?
If we get present and accept every given moment, one little moment at a time - we feel better!
This understanding is all part of the Three Principles that I share with my members and clients - understanding how we as humans really work!
If this resonated with you, I'd love to share more with you in my Three Day Mini Course: Understanding Me - it is the turning point for where we can gain a new perspective on how our minds work, and how we can experience more joy from our thoughts and minds.
FREE: 60 Minute Session + Bonus Q&As
In this one hour recorded video from Sarie, you will begin to understand the root of anxious thinking and why our bodies and minds react the way they do as Sarie introduces the Three Principles.
Watch Anytime with VIP Access to Sarie's Private Library when you register now!
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Are we overcomplicating mental health?
The continuous spiral of talking about mental illness and neglecting to discuss mental health that’s within us all!
Finding herself in a mental hospital for a month aged 22, her worst fears of going crazy had come true! Sarie truly believed she was broken for many years, and now sees that this was in part due to massively over complicating what it meant be a human being. After a long period of exploring and training as a psychotherapist, still burning out every 18 months for another ten years, Sarie finally found the answer, and now shares the surprising simplicity of it all to help others get the same relief.
Sarie has trained as a transactional analysis psychotherapist, as well as working and training in many other therapeutic disciplines, such as NLP, CBT, DBT and hypnotherapy. Sarie is also an author, celebrity coach and therapist, working with thousands of people a year, of all ages, all over the world. Her main aim is to help them really see the simplicity and beauty behind human nature, getting out of their heads and into their lives, being able to see that the inside out nature of life really is a gift. This removes limitations and stories they may hold about themselves, and as a result finding an ease and contentment in life they often never knew was possible.
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