Are You Trying to Force Feeling Good?

We recently went to Chester Zoo with our one year old, it was her first time!

Now she loves any type of animal or creature but in real life had never seen more than cats, dogs and spiders (spiders are her favourite!).
The image shows pretty much how her face was the entire day, she was exhausted! in the end! When we walked in and she saw the elephants she just couldn’t believe what she was seeing.
That day at the zoo I had so many insights of my own just watching her beautiful reactions. I wanted to share of of those insights now…
The image shows pretty much how her face was the entire day, she was exhausted! in the end! When we walked in and she saw the elephants she just couldn’t believe what she was seeing.
That day at the zoo I had so many insights of my own just watching her beautiful reactions. I wanted to share of of those insights now…
I know we can talk a lot about ‘try and be positive’ and ‘show gratitude’ and yet when we are in a low mood and feeling stressed it doesn’t always feel that easy or natural.
If we then try and force ourselves to feel different, then that can add pressure and we may then beat ourselves up even more because we cant even do that!
Telling yourself what you are grateful for every morning may work for some, but it doesn’t for others, we need to really see and feel it. How do we do that?
If we then try and force ourselves to feel different, then that can add pressure and we may then beat ourselves up even more because we cant even do that!
Telling yourself what you are grateful for every morning may work for some, but it doesn’t for others, we need to really see and feel it. How do we do that?
As you may have heard me say many many times, go back to basics!
The simplicity and wonder of what it means to be human. We are enough without all the extras such as the positivity and gratitude.
If you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, you have lost sight of how amazing you really are just by being you.
Aria was so amazed and mesmerised by the animals as they were new to her, she hasn’t yet learnt to take them for granted.
You know that phrase once you’ve seen one you have seen them all?
We get complacent with the simplest of things, the things that are right in front of us when look in the mirror everyday. It has been worked out that we are a one in 400 trillion chance or miracle for even being here, so why do we take ourselves so much for granted?
We have so many layered conditioned thoughts and beliefs and we minimise who we are as humans.
Instead of focusing on where you can find gratitude or positivity, go back to basics and first of all notice what you may be taking for granted!
If you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, you have lost sight of how amazing you really are just by being you.
Aria was so amazed and mesmerised by the animals as they were new to her, she hasn’t yet learnt to take them for granted.
You know that phrase once you’ve seen one you have seen them all?
We get complacent with the simplest of things, the things that are right in front of us when look in the mirror everyday. It has been worked out that we are a one in 400 trillion chance or miracle for even being here, so why do we take ourselves so much for granted?
We have so many layered conditioned thoughts and beliefs and we minimise who we are as humans.
Instead of focusing on where you can find gratitude or positivity, go back to basics and first of all notice what you may be taking for granted!
I saw Arias little face all day and it gave me so much pleasure, partly because she was so cute and excited, but also because she gave me a wonderful reminder all day long to notice what I may now take for granted.
After that reminder I have been able to see gratitude and wonder in many more places than the week before, because when we go back to basics and simplicity, without taking it for granted, we feel good!
Peace of mind and a good feeling are always accessible, and it's in the simplicity that this feeling lies.
After that reminder I have been able to see gratitude and wonder in many more places than the week before, because when we go back to basics and simplicity, without taking it for granted, we feel good!
Peace of mind and a good feeling are always accessible, and it's in the simplicity that this feeling lies.
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Are we overcomplicating mental health?
The continuous spiral of talking about mental illness and neglecting to discuss mental health that’s within us all!
Finding herself in a mental hospital for a month aged 22, her worst fears of going crazy had come true! Sarie truly believed she was broken for many years, and now sees that this was in part due to massively over complicating what it meant be a human being. After a long period of exploring and training as a psychotherapist, still burning out every 18 months for another ten years, Sarie finally found the answer, and now shares the surprising simplicity of it all to help others get the same relief.
Sarie has trained as a transactional analysis psychotherapist, as well as working and training in many other therapeutic disciplines, such as NLP, CBT, DBT and hypnotherapy. Sarie is also an author, celebrity coach and therapist, working with thousands of people a year, of all ages, all over the world. Her main aim is to help them really see the simplicity and beauty behind human nature, getting out of their heads and into their lives, being able to see that the inside out nature of life really is a gift. This removes limitations and stories they may hold about themselves, and as a result finding an ease and contentment in life they often never knew was possible.
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