
Thought storms

Thought Storms

We all experience our reality through our thoughts. Thought Storms are a part of being human, understanding why they happen, and how our brains work, is key to allowing the thought storms to pass faster with less discomfort.

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Understanding Imposter Syndrome

Understanding Imposter Syndrome

Understanding and overcoming imposter syndrome involves changing a your mindset about your own abilities. Feeling like you're not enough or somehow going to be found out is attached to the unknown and uncertainty we face every day. How about embracing the opportunity for newness and accepting that we are all imposters in one way or another?

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24 7 Drop In Centre

The 24/7 Drop In Centre

Exploring The Three Principles With Sarie Taylor

Did you know there's a 24/7 drop in centre available for support with your anxiety and overwhelm - and its closer than you think!?

We recently had Dicken Bettinger in The Membership as a guest, and he shared a wonderful metaphor that stuck with myself, as well as so many of my members, and he gave me full permission to steal it, so here I am sharing with you now! 

He talked about us all having a drop in centre.

Our own drop in centre t…

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Anxiety & Mediation

Anxiety & Medication: You Are Not Broken

Sarie shares her personal journey with anxiety, highlighting the importance of understanding the Three Principles in managing mental health. She recalls a time when she heavily relied on medication, and her experience underscores the power of embracing human experiences and reducing negative self-talk through the Three Principles.

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